Offshore Wind Innovation Challenge Finals
The third Offshore Innovation Challenge aims to accelerate meaningful technical innovations in the offshore wind sector, to serve as the yearly Offshore Wind Innovators network event and to connect small & medium enterprises and start-ups with offshore wind industry players.
During the event the finalists of the challenges will present their case for the public and the jury. The challenges of this year are based on three technical conundrums put forward by the offshore wind market.
- Stress in Bolted Connections, by DWT
The lifetime of bolted connections is strongly dependent on the right pre-tension over time and should be ensured. Present control of torque is often misleading due to friction and corrosion. The challenge put forward by DWT is: "How can the present stress within bolts be determined with minimal impact to extend their lifetime?"
- Optimize Pressure Control to Reduce Noise, by Van Oord
Different near field noise mitigation systems are available to reduce underwater noise from offshore pile driving for wind turbine foundations. Currently, the release of air from the tubes is not controllable, resulting in an unregulated bubble curtain. The challenge put forward by Van Oord: ''How can we control the size, amount and pressure of the bubbles by the design of the nozzles?"
- Optimal Design for Flat Oyster Racks in Offshore Wind Farms, by Rijke Noordzee
Oyster improve the water quality and attract other marine life at sea. The installation of large-scale offshore wind farms in the North Sea make it both possible and necessary to strengthen the nature within and surrounding the wind farms. The challenge put forward bij Rijke Noordzee is: "What is the optimal design for a construction that can be used to introduce starter populations of flat oysters in offshore wind farms?"
After the presentations & pitches the winner of the Challenge will be announced.
Programme December 9, 2019
15:00 Doors open
15:15 Welcome
15:20 Keynote – Reinder Jorritsma, Project developer at DOT offshore wind turbine installation
15:55 Presentations & pitches by the finalists
16:45 Winner Offshore Innovation Challenge 2019
17:00 Drinks & networking
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