Three cross sectoral solutions for bolt challenges

This year’s offshore wind innovation challenge has kicked off with the challenges of Deutsche Wind Technik (DWT)- technical maintenance company in the wind energy sector. The challenge is to find a method to measure in stress in existing bolts and to find an application against corrosion.

A Masterclass session was followed by the Bootcamp session in which the three remaining contestants got the chance to elaborate on their pitches. The three participants are coming from different industries, which made the Bootcamp all the more interesting. The cross-sectoral solutions offered by the contestants created the beginning of innovative solutions to problems Offshore Wind companies face on a daily basis.

Stephenson Academy

The first session was led by Massimiliano Formenti, Stephenson Academy, who offered a preliminary research method to measure stress in bolts. “We make so many different types of machines and solutions, that also our mind-set is different. We come from 40 years of testing. We can test it ourselves, but we may need tot improve the software we have to apply ultrasonic. It’s important to sweeten the software to your requirements. We want to reduce the ‘mess’ of measuring by testing an area in the bolt stress instead of only measuring vertically.”

By doing market research into the automotive and civil industry, on the type of materials and applying their own knowledge, the excited engineer Massimiliano created a method to use ultrasonic to measure stress in bolts. In his words: “I love challenges. The best way to approach innovation is to benchmark”.


The second session was about Lano-Shield, elaborated by David Campbell from Ashton Marine Services, for coatings against corrosion. Lano-Shield is used on boat trailers to prevent corrosion of the metal. It’s made out of sheep grease called lanolin, a hard wax that is created by sheepskin to keep the sheep dry. It propels water and provides waterproof coating. It’s completely sustainable and low cost. In Australia it is used for greasing chassis, chains and boat coatings.


The third session was another solution to measuring stress in bolts, by Jack Sands from Tribosonics. They offer a method that was at first developed for automotive, power and manufacturing. It’s a handheld device which can measure the stress in bolts. They have already tested it in the lab, but not yet in the field. Their technology would save a lot of time of heavy torqueing and therefore a lot of money. However, it is not applied in the offshore wind industry yet.

Together with Deutsche Windtechnik (DWT), we are working towards the right solutions to the challenges we offer, and we will announce with which participants DWT will continue in the coming weeks. The final round for these challenges will be held at De Oude Bibliotheek Delft, the 12th of September this year.

Call for one additional Challenge

Because of the innovations needed in Offshore Wind and the success of these challenges, we organize the third OWIC starting September of this year. Business Partners who face an urgent challenge can contact Erwin Coolen,

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