Industry Calls for Standardised UK-Dutch Offshore Working Practices in Southern North Sea
Standardised working practices, regulations and shared resources for the UK and Netherlands would bring much needed savings and operational excellence in the “small basin” of the Southern North Sea, industry experts were told.
“Completely different models” of the same work in one sea wasted resources and money, and cause confusion, the SNS Rejuvenation Special Interest Group (SIG) of the East of England Energy Group (EEEGR) was told. Anglo-Dutch workstream is one of the EEEGR SNS Rejuvenation SIG’s three workstreams.
Martijn Hoefsloot, production superintendent at Orange Nassau Energie, said the SNS was a “small basin with relatively simple operations” but with different working practices each side of the border.
“We need to make sure we share, collaborate and make a better sustainable future for us all,”Hoefsloot told more than 70 people at the event at Norwich City Football Club. “Why do we have completely different models in the small basin? Why do we do things differently?
“It is about sharing from both sides. Both sides have their strengths and we should try to combine these strengths. What is the right operating model for the SNS basin and can we standardise it?”