Energy Talks & Drinks BLOWING ENERGY. The latest in offshore wind technology
Wind energy is a key source of renewable energy for the Netherlands. Dutch government is committed to ensuring that 14% of all energy used in the Netherlands is sustainable by 2020 and 16% by 2023. Learn more about the latest in offshore wind technologies.
Program starts at 17:30
- The Rapid Growth of Offshore Wind - By Dolf Elsevier van Griethuysen, van Oord
- Upscaling and Stepping up Offshore Wind - By Rens Savenij, ECN
- Offshore Connection Technology - By Koen Creusen, Fistuca
- Smart Asset Monitoring - By Simon de Jager, semioticlabs
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Jun 7, 2018 — Buccaneer Delft, Paardenmarkt 1 Delft
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