NNOW supports the position improvement of SMEs in the offshore wind supply chain in the Northern Netherlands.
NNOW is a network organization, supporting a cluster of companies in the northern part of the Netherlands to establish a strong national and international position in the world of offshore wind. The project team offers activities focused on the prospects of more business, acquiring knowledge and expanding offshore wind networks. Some 80 parties are involved, including companies, knowledge institutes and government bodies.
The offshore windindustry offers opportunities for a lot of companies in the Netherlands. Companies that excel in foundations, installation, logistics or maintenance. A significant part of these companies is based in the Northern Netherlands and in the province of Noord-Holland. In conjunction with the logistics opportunities in Eemshaven and the port of Harlingen, this region is an ideal location or base.
Solid start
The network is open to any company in the region that is or would like to be active in offshore wind. Besides networking, knowledge exchange and the joint implementation of promotion and acquisition activities, the cluster also pays ample attention to R&D and business development and to training adequately qualified personnel. NNOW will enter into alliances with other parties to accelerate the development.
Supply chain
To position the member companies of the NNOW cluster in the offshore wind market, the supply chain is divided into four phases: development phase, construction, operation and maintenance phase and dismantling phase. Each member company gets a code to which phase and ‘tier’ of the supply chain it belongs, making clear which services can be delivered by the network.