TKI Wind Op Zee workshops during Werkconferentie Topsector Energie


During the “Topsector Energie Werkconferentie”, on the 31st of October, the TKI Wind op Zee will introduce the new approach for innovation subsidies for specific subjects

TKI Wind op Zee will offer information and 3 matchmaking sessions on these subjects and you are informed on the possibilities to actively participate in collaborative R&D.

The sessions will be led by some of TKI Wind op Zee partners.

During the morning program (11.00 – 12.30 hours) a presentation will be given with the title: ‘Opgewekt op zee, op land en in de gebouwde omgeving’, that covers the background and contents of MMIP’s 1 and 2. Those two programs cover on- and offshore generation, including generation in the built environment.In the afternoon we will organise 3 matchmaking sessions specificallyfor offshore wind energy.

Workshop 1: "zero downtime" This workshop is organised together with WCM Fieldlab Zephyros and targets the development of installations that, at affordable costs, can operate without disruption, without the need for people on-site for work on maintenance. We want to develop smart technologies that eliminate the "performance killers" of the current installations. By applying those technologies in the design of new installations (design for smart maintenance) it is possible to work towards our radical ambition of "zero downtime" and "zero on-site maintenance" in the long term.

Workshop 2: "cost reduction balance of plant" This matchmaking session is organised in cooperation with the GROW consortium and focusses on cost reduction and safety of the balance of plant. During this session, we will discuss how innovation can contribute to lower costs and improved safety at sea. Which knowledge and products are required for this matter? For example innovations in the field of design, installation, decommissioning, coatings and corrosion. We are interested in collaboration between larger companies with SMEs / start-ups. Do you have innovative ideas? Please register for the session cost reduction of the balance of plant.

Workshop 3: "system integration" The third matchmaking session is organised in cooperation with TNO and focusses on system integration in the North Sea. We will discuss the future offshore energy infrastructure that is needed to transport, convert and store energy. Together with the participants, we will search for offshore transmission technology, a combination with interconnectors and the potential to re-use existing infrastructure. Some sessions will be conducted in Dutch. Please check the program of the day for more details (in Dutch).

If you want to attend and contribute to these sessions, please register here.

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Oct 31, 2019 — Nieuwegein
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Group 1291

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